Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Week4 - EXP2: Tutorials

Lesson 1 - Parts: The first time that I opened SolidWorks it really did scare me a little, the fact that most of the tool bars are missing, even after completing the first tutorial the interface is not as intuitive as other programs like Sketchup (even 3DsMax is simple compared to SolidWorks).

Loft: During this tutorial, the parametres of the Loft tool was incredibly difficult to understand, the step by step tutorial did not help much.

Revolve: This one was comparatively easier to complete than the first two. The main reason I think is Sketchup has something similar to this tool, but again it takes far too long from actually drawing the outline to the final model.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Week4 - Finalised Work

FOUND Video Compilation.

References -
Scene 1 - Firecracker Explosion,, posted by astitt22 (accessed on 07/08/2008).

Scene 2 - Eruption of Mount St. Helens, 1980,, posted by theoutofdoors (accessed 07/08/2008).

Scene 3 - Stargate Atlantis Nuclear Strike,, posted by Grassy1977 (accessed 07/08/2008)
(all intellectual properties of Stargate Altantis belongs to the studio that created the show).

CUSTOM Machinima.

Week3 - Marking Scans

Week3 - Documentaries


After re-reading the different modes of documentary, I do not think the documentary that I am currently making will fall into just one mode. In order for me to achieve the effort that I want in the documentary, I will need to use some basic techniques from each mode. The reason that I am using different techniques from the different modes is because I am trying to experiment with the destructive power of different scale of explosions.


What I want to achieve with this document is to observe the destructive power of explosives/explosions on objects ranging from wood to steel.

Week2 - Drafts

Draft Found Videos.

Draft Custom Machinima.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Week1 - Compilation

Week1 - Machinima 2 - Mirror Clip 2

Week1 - Machinima 2

Crysis Physics - 3'000 Barrel Explosion.

For me at least, there is always a moment after seeing an explosion either in a news broadcast, movie or in a game, to avoid looking at the aftermath of an explosion, it could be the fear of seeing the resulting devastation left by the explosion, which is why I have chose a clip that contains a scene where the author turns away from the explosion (3:23 -3:35).

Reference - Crysis Physics - 3'000 Barrel Explosion (, posted by sampling666 (accessed on 07/08/2008).

Week1 - Machinima - Mirror Clip1

The above clip tries to emulate the scene of the exploding house from Crysis - Crysplosions (0:06-0:14) using Garry's Mod.

Week1 - Machinima.

Crysis - Crysplosions.

This clip has a variety of different explosions, which depicts the destructive power. Rather than chose something that is really complex and unique, this clip demonstrates the expected affects of an explosion to its surrounding and the aftermath.

Emulating the whole clip would be close to impossible using Garry's mod, I will only recreate a small portion of the clip.

Reference - Crysis - Crysplosion (, posted by psychodantis (accessed on 07/08/2008)